Friday, July 23, 2010

20 More Days to Go...

Earlier this week I got a little bored and decided to paint my cast.  I must say I am please with how it turned out.  My painting skills really only involve flowers, so I painted some flowers on it.  I get a new cast on Monday, and I will probably paint that one too.  It just adds a little something I suppose.

Things are still going well.  I noticed I no longer have to take Tylenol every 4-6 hours, I just take it now before bed and if I feel any pain during the day.  Yesterday I had a minor breakdown.  My husband has had class all week and has been busy.  I went to get something for lunch and everything I wanted either we didn't have or it was too hard for me to make.  Then there was something I wanted to clean up and couldn't.  It just becomes frustrating.  I have done a few things to try and make myself more independent.  I just get so sick of asking my husband to do everything, I feel like a nagging wife.  He doesn't mind, but I miss being able to do the simple things.  So here are some things I have managed to do with crutches!

Vacuum - With a dog and a cat, the hair piles up!  I managed to push the sweeper down to the room, sit on the bed, and vacuum the floor.  It was great, I felt so good after being able to do it.  

Laundry - Our washer is upstairs, but the dryer is downstairs in the basement.  Our basement is old and grungy and the stairs are scary.  In the summer I like to hang the clothes up outside, but I am not even going to attempt that with crutches.  I have my husband bring the clothes downstairs, and then I can put them in the washer.  I ordered a drying rack so I can hang the clothes up to dry in our living room.  I can fold too.

Easy things to make for food - My husband will leave a bowl filled with cereal for me out on counter in our kitchen.  It is right next to the fridge, so I can easily get milk and fill up the bowl.  It is a low counter so I can sit right there and eat!  I have also managed to make things like PB&J, sandwiches, and salads. The other day I even make brownies!  

I really miss being able to simply walk and do something or drive and get something.  But, today I realized I only have 20 days until the cast comes off.  I am currently 34 days post op or something.  I have one more week at home and then I am able to go back to work, so the worst is definitely over with!