Thursday, August 12, 2010

Goodbye Cast and Crutches! I can walk again!

Today went wonderfully!!!  I am walking.

Today I discovered that after having a leg in a cast for 8 weeks it gets kind of gross :).  After they took the cast off and I was waiting to see my doctor, I was appalled by the look of my leg.  My hair had managed to grow an inch long.  Dead skin was all over the place.  The scab from the incision was dark and crusty.  The saddest thing was my skinny leg that was about the size of my arm.  It was gross looking.  But I managed to walk that pathetic looking leg right out of the doctors office!  I even took it to the beach.  Now it is shaved, exfoliated, moisturized, and with a new tan.

My doctor told me everything has healed great.  He wants me to walk as much as possible and said that is the only way things will get better.  He told me it will hurt, get read, swell up, and be hard to do, but not to let that stop me from walking.  He even gave me more pain meds because he said he didn't want the pain to interfere with my walking.  He wants me to stop using the crutches completely in 5 days.  He said I could lose them today if I was comfortable with it.  He told me to walk until it hurts too much.  Take a five minute break, then walk some more!  He also said limping does not count.  I was hoping he would let me swim, but he said not yet.  I am not allowed to soak the incision or use any ointments or lotions around the incision because infection is still a risk.  If I am out in the sun I have to keep it covered so it won't burn.

Walking is weird.  Its not really painful.  In fact, the most pain is at my heel.  My ankle just feels really stiff.  Like it hasn't move in 8 weeks :).  Walking on pavement is easy.  Walking in the grass and gravel is a little harder.  Walking in the sand right now is ridiculously hard.  I left the doctors office with my chacos on and a sock on the bad foot.  They were really easy to get on and off, and they don't bother my incision.  When I walk with the crutches I use more of a natural step.  When I don't, I limp.  Tomorrow and over the weekend I plan on walking alot!  I want this to get better and I want to feel active again.

My incision wound looks really good.  There is still a little scab at the top, but I think it looks great.  Its not as big as I remember it being.  I don't mind scars too much.  In fact, the book "Little Bee" has a great quote about scars.  "Scars are beautiful because they are proof we survived"  I thought that was a great quote to go by.  I will survive this!


  1. Wow.. amazing! Your doctor definitely had a totally different approach than mine! Go for it! :)

  2. hi... had my cast for 6 days and 22 days more to go... how did you survive... endure the discomfort, it seems that even sleeping is hard. few sleepless nights and like a recipe for insanity...please help

  3. I liked the cast much better than the splint, so I think at first it was a relief. Then it was just a mind set. I knew I had to endure it for 8 weeks, so I just did. Not sure how I managed to sleep. I took my pain pills and made sure not to nap during the day. Good luck!
