Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ways to kill time...

So now I am on day 11 after having surgery on my peroneal tendons.  Things are still going well.  I am being really good about staying in bed and resting and having my leg elevated.  The pain is not too bad.  I take Tylenol every 4 hours.  I do start to feel a little pain or soreness once the Tylenol wears off but it is nothing excruciating.

For the most part I stay in bed.  We only have one bathroom and it is upstairs so it is just more convenient.  I do go downstairs about once or twice a day.  My ankle starts to hurt and swell as soon as I move around, so I try not to be on my feet for more than 5 minutes.

Well I thought I would give some tips on how to kill time.  It can be difficult to sit around all day but I have found some ways to do it without losing my mind!

Read! - I have chosen some books that are in a series so that I immediately want to pick up the next one to see what happens.  I started and have almost finished the Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyers.  I am almost finished with the last one and they are pretty good.  I have also started a series by Steig Larrsson.  I read the Girl w/ the Dragon Tattoo and have ordered the other 2.

Netflix! - I ordered DVDs and watch somethings instantly on my computer.  You can watch the series 24 instantly.  This is a great and suspenseful show to get into.  I have seen some of the seasons but not all, so I am catching up.


Work - If you can work from home

Nintendo :)

I try not to nap during the day.  It is very easy to do, especially when you are taking the stronger pain meds.  However, I have been sleeping really well at night and I think that is because I haven't napped.  It is uncomfortable to sleep because you have to sleep on your back with your leg elevated, so I am very grateful that I can manage to sleep well!

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