Monday, July 19, 2010

4 Weeks Down!

Four weeks ago today I had my surgery.  It is amazing how fast the time has gone.  It is nice to know that four weeks are behind me, but also frustrating to know I still have four more weeks of this.  However, next week I go back in for a new cast and I believe they will release me from this inactive state I am stuck in and will let me to move around more.  I intend on going back to work on August 2nd (2 weeks).  I have a feeling once I start back up at work the remaining 2 weeks will go even faster.

Yesterday I realized how much the internet occupies my days.  The other day I found myself not even being able to close my laptop while watching a movie.  Or sometimes I watch a movie online and surf the internet at the same time.  I hope this surgery doesn't make my brain turn to mush.  The first few weeks I was really good about reading.  I was reading about a book a day.  Now I am reading a book a week.  I find myself checking facebook every 10 minutes and being annoyed that no one has changed their status or added anything of interest.  Ebay has been a good friend.  My recent purchases have been Nintendo games for $2.  TIP: Do not keep your credit card by your bedside when being laid up for a few weeks.  Not good.  I have found that I justify my purchases because I feel bad making my husband go and get things for me, so just order it online of course!  Here is a list of my most frequented websites...

Facebook,, hotmail, gmail (no idea why I have so many emails),, netflix,, ebay,,, 

My laptop has been a huge lifesaver for this recovery time.  However, I wonder if I would be doing more productive things with my time if I didn't have it.  Maybe I will make a goal tomorrow to only check my computer 5 times, and have a time limit of 10 minutes each time.  I will let you know how it goes.  The video below cracked me up and I felt is very true.

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